
Open Call

Dear friends of theatre. we announce that we have started preparations for the 14th year of international project of art schools ARTORIUM 2024.We are planning to organize the festival in the period from 21 to 24 October 2024.
You can sign up several performances for the festival, however, our committee will select only two of them. One for the main theater room and the other one for the studio.
For project submission please contact us via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Supported using public by Slovak Arts Council.

About The Project

The Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica is a public university and one of two art universities in Slovakia which provides the education in art theory and practice in the field of music, visual, film as well as dramatic arts. During the time of its relatively short existence, our school developed into a high-quality and sought-after institution which meets high pedagogical and artistic standards and creates the lively cooperation with other schools of similar kind in Slovakia as well as abroad.

This year, the team of pedagogues and students from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts decided to organize the 14th year of the international theater project named ARTORIUM where the work of art academies from various countries would be presented. Project ARTORIUM will take place at the premises of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Academy of Arts, from October 21. till October 24. 2024. The project is devoted to the presentation of various forms of art: theatre performances, short films, visual arts exhibition, installation and performance, as well as music. Organizers have also prepared interesting workshops during the time of the project.
Project ARTORIUM offers the creative space for students, pedagogues and audience of the city for showing and perceiving the artistic creation of various forms and genres which emerged during the last year on the university ground of The Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica and on the ground of its guests

As the main organizer, the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica initiated the twelfth year of the project with a goal of offering the space for young artists and their work, so they can present their outcomes and be inspired by various different approaches of their colleagues from European art academies. At the same time, this project would like to enhance the interest in artistic production of various kinds in the region of middle-Slovakia.

Otvorená výzva

Drahí priatelia divadla, oznamujeme, že sme začali s prípravami 14. ročníka medzinárodného projektu vysokých umeleckých škôr ARTORIUM 2024. Festival plánujeme zorganizovať v termíne od 21. do 24. októbra 2024.
Mimochodom, na festival môžete prihlásiť viacero inscenácií, naša komisia však vyberie len dve z nich. Jednu pre hlavnú divadelnú sálu a druhú pre štúdio.
Pre prihlásenie projektu nás prosím kontaktujte na email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

O projekte

Festival ARTORIUM sa uskutoční sa v dňoch 21.10.2024 - 24.10.2024 v priestoroch Fakulty dramatických umení Akadémie umení v Banskej Bystrici. Projekt je venovaný prezentácii najmä divadelných inscenácií európskych vysokých umeleckých škôl, výtvarnému, filmovému a hudobnému umeniu, a tiež kreatívnym dielňam.
Projekt ARTORIUM ponúka tvorivý priestor študentom, pedagógom a umeleckej obci mesta na konfrontáciu a percepciu umeleckej tvorby rôznych žánrov, ktorá vznikla na pôde Akadémie umení v Banskej Bystrici a pôde prizvaných vysokých umeleckých škôl.

Zámerom Fakulty dramatických umení ako hlavného usporiadateľa projektu je ponúknuť mladým ľuďom priestor na umeleckú tvorbu, na jej prezentáciu a konfrontáciu tvorivých postupov a výsledkov v rámci tvorby európskych vysokých umeleckých škôl, a zároveň povzbudiť záujem o umeleckú produkciu v regióne.

Festival z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia, hlavný partner projektu.